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Coaching sessions take place via video call or telephone or in person in East London. I do coach musicians, but I have also worked with other clients internationally including artists, creatives, sports people, business people, teachers and others. I usually work with clients over a 3-month period although each package is tailored to the client's individual circumstances and requirements. Get in touch for a chat about what this would mean for you.

Speaking and Training

I also speak for organisations and groups about peak performance, the mind and how this relates to our psychological wellbeing and resilience. If you would like to hire me as a speaker, television or radio guest or trainer for your organisation please contact me to discuss.


My approach to performance psychology is unique and highly effective, which can not only save artists a great deal of suffering, but can also enable them to really flourish. Artists' development coaching can also save a management agency or label a great deal of time and money. I work with bands, ensembles and artists either direct or through a management agency or record label on a retainer basis. 

Just Play: The Simple Truth Behind Peak Performance

The one thing that all clients have in common when I first speak to them is they are pre-occupied. That's because they have a head full of noise that is getting in their way. So many of them tell me that they wanted to stop overthinking and be able 'just play' that I named my first book after it.


Now, it's very common for teachers, managers and coaches to make this overthinking situation worse by giving musicians mental tips, tricks and strategies that all boil down to more thinking, when in fact all problems like performance anxiety, depression, writer's block, procrastination, addictions and other physical struggles are often actually overthinking problems. It isn't the music industry that makes people sick, it's the way they go about navigating it.


This is why I don't give clients more to think about by teaching mental techniques or visualisation------instead I point them to simple principles that make the need for mental techniques irrelevant, and point them back to their innate source of creativity, excellence and resilience. If you would like to learn more about my unique approach click here for my free guide ''Five Essential Tips for Any Musician: How to uncover your full potential by understanding the mind'.


My book 'Just Play: The Simple Truth Behind Peak Performance' is released in Spring 2018.

My Approach
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